Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (2024)

Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (1)



So you liked the game Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver, and after playing the game, you realized that grinding it all day takes a lot of your precious.

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Or perhaps, there are things that you wish to have or achieve, and then you discover that getting them by playing the game normally won’t get you there. Using cheats as a shortcut? Glad you asked because we have them here collected for you.

Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver is a good Pokemon DS ROM hack, and many of our readers play the game. Though there aren’t many DS ROM Hacks exist, we are still lucky to have some available.

We’ve compiled a list of working Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver cheats that you can use if you ever decide to play the games. Regardless of which version, these cheats will work for your DS emulator of choice.

There are added instructions when it comes to how you can activate the cheats. They are always used as Action Replay so don’t worry about anything else.

Always save before you use cheats because these hacks can be a bit unstable and might ruin your game.

Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (2)

Table of Contents

Other ROM Hack Cheats To Check Out

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  • Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Redux Cheats
  • Pokemon Dark Energy Cheats
  • Pokemon Blazing Emerald Cheats

List of Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver Cheats

Pokemon Cheats

Let’s start this list of working Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver cheats with some Pokemon cheats. These cheats can be used to modify the Pokemon that you have and the Wild Pokemon you can encounter.

Gen 1 Wild Pokemon Modifiers

Change the YYY to the specific Pokemon code that you want to encounter.

52246C94 28038800
12247D8A 00004801
02247D8C E0021C39
02247D90 00000YYY
D2000000 00000000

Gen 1 Codes

001 = Bulbasaur
002 = Ivysaur
003 = Venusaur
004 = Charmander
005 = Charmeleon
006 = Charizard
007 = Squirtle
008 = Wartortile
009 = Blastoise
00A = Caterpie
00B = Metapod
00C = Butterfree
00D = Weedle
00E = Kakuna
00F = Beedrill
010 = Pidgey
011 = Pidgeotto
012 = Pidgeot
013 = Rattata
014 = Raticate
015 = Spearow
016 = Fearow
017 = Ekans
018 = Arbok
019 = Pikachu
01A = Raichu
01B = Sandshrew
01C = Sandslash
01D = Nidoran
01E = Nidorina
01F = Nidoqueen
020 = Nidoran
021 = Nidorino
022 = Nidoking
023 = Clefairy
024 = Clefable
025 = Vulpix
026 = Ninetales
027 = Jigglypuff
028 = Wigglytuff
029 = Zubat
02A = Golbat
02B = Oddish
02C = Gloom
02D = Vileplume
02E = Paras
02F = Parasect
030 = Venonat
031 = Venomoth
032 = Diglett
033 = Dugtrio
034 = Meowth
035 = Persian
036 = Psyduck
037 = Golduck
038 = Mankey
039 = Primape
03A = Growlithe
03B = Arcanine
03C = Poliwag
03D = Poliwhirl
03E = Poliwrath
03F = Abra
040 = Kadabra
041 = Alakazam
042 = Machop
043 = Machoke
044 = Machamp
045 = Bellsprout
046 = Weepinbell
047 = Victreebel
048 = Tentacool
049 = Tentacruel
04A = Geodude
04B = Graveler
04C = Golem
04D = Ponyta
04E = Rapidash
04F = Slowpoke
050 = Slowbro
051 = Magnemite
052 = Magneton
053 = Farfech’d
054 = Doduo
055 = Dodrio
056 = Seel
057 = Dewgong
058 = Grimer
059 = Muk
05A = Shelder
05B = Cloyster
05C = Gastly
05D = Haunter
05E = Gengar
05F = Onix
060 = Drowzee
061 = Hypno
062 = Krabby
063 = Kingdra
064 = Voltorb
065 = Electrode
066 = Exeggcute
067 = Exeggutor
068 = Cubone
069 = Marowak
06A = Hitmonlee
06B = Hitmonchan
06C = Lickitung
06D = Koffing
06E = Weezing
06F = Rhyhorn
070 = Rhydon
071 = Chansey
072 = Tangela
073 = Kangaskhan
074 = Horsea
075 = Seadra
076 = Goldeen
077 = Seaking
078 = Staryu
079 = Starmie
07A = Mr. Mime
07B = Scyther
07C = Jynx
07D = Electabuzz
07E = Magmar
07F = Pinsir
080 = Tauros
081 = Magikarp
082 = Gyarados
083 = Lapras
084 = Ditto
085 = Eevee
086 = Vaporeon
087 = Jolteon
088 = Flareon
089 = Porygon
08A = Omanyte
08B = Omastar
08C = Kabuto
08D = Kabutops
08E = Aerodactyl
08F = Snorlax
090 = Articuno
091 = Zapdos
092 = Moltres
093 = Dratini
094 = Dragonair
095 = Dragonite
096 = Mewtwo
097 = Mew

Gen 2 Wild Pokemon Modifiers

Change the YYY to the specific Pokemon code that you want to encounter.

52246C94 28038800
12247D8A 00004801
02247D8C E0021C39
02247D90 00000YYY
D2000000 00000000

Gen 2 Codes

098 = Chikorita
099 = Bayleef
09A = Maganium
09B = Cyndaquil
09C = Quilava
09D = Typhlosion
09E = Totadile
09F = Croconaw
0A0 = Feraligatr
0A1 = Sentret
0A2 = Furret
0A3 = HootHoot
0A4 = Noctowl
0A5 = Ladyba
0A6 = Ledian
0A7 = Spinarak
0A8 = Ariados
0A9 = Crobat
0AA = Chinchou
0AB = Lanturn
0AC = Pichu
0AD = Cleffa
0AE = Igglybuff
0AF = Togepi
0B0 = Togetic
0B1 = Natu
0B2 = Xatu
0B3 = Mareep
0B4 = Flaaffy
0B5 = Ampharos
0B6 = Bellossom
0B7 = Marill
0B8 = Azumarill
0B9 = Sudowoodo
0BA = Politoad
0BB = Hoppip
0BC = Skiploom
0BD = Jumpluff
0BE = Aipom
0BF = Sunkern
0C0 = Sunflora
0C1 = Yamma
0C2 = Wooper
0C3 = Quagsire
0C4 = Espeon
0C5 = Umbreon
0C6 = Murkrow
0C7 = Slowking
0C8 = Misdreavus
0C9 = Unown
0CA = Wabbuffet
0CB = Girafarig
0CC = Pineco
0CD = Forretress
0CE = Dunsparce
0CF = Gligar
0D0 = Steelix
0D1 = Snubble
0D2 = Granbull
0D3 = Quilfish
0D4 = Scizor
0D5 = Shuckle
0D6 = Heracross
0D7 = Sneasel
0D8 = Teddiursa
0D9 = Ursaring
0DA = Slugma
0DB = Magcargo
0DC = Swinub
0DD = Piloswine
0DE = Corsola
0DF = Remoraid
0E0 = Octillery
0E1 = Delibird
0E2 = Mantine
0E3 = Skarmory
0E4 = Houndour
0E5 = Houndoom
0E6 = Kingdra
0E7 = Phanpy
0E8 = Donphan
0E9 = Porygon 2
0EA = Stantler
0EB = Smeargle
0EC = Tyrogue
0ED = Hitmontop
0EE = Smoochum
0EF = Elekid
0F0 = Magby
0F1 = Miltank
0F2 = Blissey
0F3 = Raikou
0F4 = Entei
0F5 = Suicune
0F6 = Larvitar
0F7 = Pupitar
0F8 = Tyranitar
0F9 = Lugia
0FA = Ho-oh
0FB = Celebi

Gen 3 Wild Pokemon Modifiers
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (5)

Change the YYY to the specific Pokemon code that you want to encounter.

52246C94 28038800
12247D8A 00004801
02247D8C E0021C39
02247D90 00000YYY
D2000000 00000000

Gen 3 Codes

0FC = Treecko
0FD = Grovyle
0FE = Sceptile
0FF = Torchic
100 = Combusken
101 = Blaziken
102 = Mudkip
103 = Marshtomp
104 = Swampert
105 = Poochyena
106 = Mightyena
107 = Zigzagoon
108 = Linoone
109 = Wurmple
10A = Silcoon
10B = Beautifly
10C = Cascoon
10D = Dustox
10E = Lotad
10F = Lombre
110 = Ludicolo
111 = Seedot
112 = Nuzleaf
113 = Shiftry
114 = Taillow
115 = Swellow
116 = Wingull
117 = Pelipper
118 = Ralts
119 = Kirlia
11A = Gardevoir
11B = Surskit
11C = Masquerain
11D = Shroomish
11E = Breloom
11F = Slakoth
120 = Vigaroth
121 = Slaking
122 = Nincade
123 = Ninjask
124 = Shedinja
125 = Whismur
126 = Loudred
127 = Exploud
128 = Makuhita
129 = Hariyama
12A = Azurill
12B = Nosepass
12C = Skitty
12D = Delcatty
12E = Sableye
12F = Mawile
130 = Aron
131 = Lairon
132 = Aggron
133 = Meditite
134 = Medicham
135 = Electrike
136 = Manectric
137 = Plusle
138 = Minun
139 = Volbeat
13A = Illumise
13B = Roselia
13C = Gulpin
13D = Swalot
13E = Carvanha
13F = Sharpedo
140 = Wailmer
141 = Wailord
142 = Numel
143 = Camerupt
144 = Torkoal
145 = Spoink
146 = Grumpig
147 = Spinda
148 = Trapinch
149 = Vibrava
14A = Flygon
14B = Cacnea
14C = Cacturne
14D = Swablu
14E = Altaria
14F = Zangoose
150 = Seviper
151 = Lunatone
152 = Solrock
153 = Barboach
154 = Whiscash
155 = Corphish
156 = Crawdaunt
157 = Baltoy
158 = Claydol
159 = Lileep
15A = Cradily
15B = Anorith
15C = Armaldo
15D = Feebass
15E = Milotic
15F = Castform
160 = Kecleon
161 = Shuppet
162 = Banette
163 = Duskull
164 = Dusclops
165 = Tropius
166 = Chimecho
167 = Absol
168 = Wynaut
169 = Snowrunt
16A = Glalie
16B = Spheal
16C = Sealeo
16D = Wailrien
16E = Clamperl
16F = Huntail
170 = Gorebyss
171 = Relicanth
172 = Luvdisc
173 = Bagon
174 = Shelgon
175 = Salamance
176 = Beldum
177 = Metang
178 = Metagross
179 = Regirock
17A = Regice
17B = Registeel
17C = Latias
17D = Latios
17E = Kyogre
17F = Groudon
180 = Rayquaza
181 = Jirachi
182 = Deoxys

Gen 4 Wild Pokemon Modifiers

Change the YYY to the specific Pokemon code that you want to encounter.

52246C94 28038800
12247D8A 00004801
02247D8C E0021C39
02247D90 00000YYY
D2000000 00000000

Gen 4 Codes

83 = Turtwig
184 = Grotle
185 = Torterra
186 = Chimchar
187 = Monferno
188 = Infernape
189 = Piplup
18A = Prinplup
18B = Empoleon
18C = Starly
18D = Staravia
18E = Staraptor
18F = Bidoof
190 = Bibarel
191 = Kricketot
192 = Kricketune
193 = Shinx
194 = Luxio
195 = Luxray
196 = Budew
197 = Roserade
198 = Cranidos
199 = Rampardos
19A = Shieidon
19B = Bastiodon
19C = Burmy
19D = Wormadam
19E = Mothim
19F = Combee
1A0 = Vespiquen
1A1 = Pachirisu
1A2 = Buizel
1A3 = Floatzel
1A4 = Cherubi
1A5 = Cherrim
1A6 = Shellos
1A7 = Gastrodon
1A8 = Ambipom
1A9 = Drifloon
1AA = Drifblim
1AB = Buneary
1AC = Lopunny
1AD = Mismagius
1AE = Honchkrow
1AF = Glameow
1B0 = Purugly
1B1 = Chingling
1B2 = Stunky
1B3 = Skuntank
1B4 = Bronzor
1B5 = Bronzone
1B6 = Bonsly
1B7 = Mime Jr.
1B8 = Happiny
1B9 = Chatot
1BA = Spintomb
1BB = Gible
1BC = Gabite
1BD = Garchomp
1BE = Munchlax
1BF = Riolu
1C0 = Lucario
1C1 = Hippopotas
1C2 = Hippowdon
1C3 = Skorupi
1C4 = Drapion
1C5 = Croagunk
1C6 = Toxicroak
1C7 = Carnivine
1C8 = Finneon
1C9 = Lumineon
1CA = Mantyke
1CB = Shover
1CC = Abomasnow
1CD = Weavile
1CE = Megnezone
1CF = Lickilicky
1D0 = Rhyperior
1D1 = Tangrowth
1D2 = Electivire
1D3 = Magmortar
1D4 = Togekiss
1D5 = Yanmega
1D6 = Leafeon
1D7 = Glaceaon
1D8 = Gliscor
1D9 = Monoswine
1DA = Porygon Z
1DB = Galiade
1DC = Probopass
1DD = Dusknoir
1DE = Froslass
1DF = Rotom
1E0 = Uxie
1E1 = Mesprit
1E2 = Azelf
1E3 = Dialga
1E4 = Palkia
1E5 = Heatran
1E6 = Regigigas
1E7 = Giratina
1E8 = Cresselia
1E9 = Phione
1EA = Manaphy
1EB = Darkrai
1EC = Shaymin
1ED = Arceus

Level Modifier
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (7)

Change the YY to the specific level code that you want the Wild Pokemon to have.

52246C94 28038800
12247BEC 000020YY
D2000000 00000000

Level Codes

= level 1
02 = level 2
03 = level 3
04 = level 4
05 = level 5
06 = level 6
07 = level 7
08 = level 8
09 = level 9
0A = level 10

0B = level 11
0C = level 12
0D = level 13
0E = level 14
0F = level 15
10 = level 16
11 = level 17
12 = level 18
13 = level 19
14 = level 20

15 = level 21
16 = level 22
17 = level 23
18 = level 24
19 = level 25
1A = level 26
1B = level 27
1C = level 28
1D = level 29
1E = level 30

1F = level 31
20 = level 32
21 = level 33
22 = level 34
23 = level 35
24 = level 36
25 = level 37
26 = level 38
27 = level 39
28 = level 40
29 = level 41
2A = level 42
2B = level 43
2C = level 44
2D = level 45
2E = level 46
2F = level 47
30 = level 48
31 = level 49
32 = level 50

33 = level 51
34 = level 52
35 = level 53
36 = level 54
37 = level 55
38 = level 56
39 = level 57
3A = level 58
3B = level 59
3C = level 60

3D = level 61
3E = level 62
3F = level 63
40 = level 64
41 = level 65
42 = level 66
43 = level 67
44 = level 68
45 = level 69
46 = level 70

47 = level 71
48 = level 72
49 = level 73
4A = level 74
4B = level 75
4C = level 76
4D = level 77
4E = level 78
4F = level 79
50 = level 80

51 = level 81
52 = level 82
53 = level 83
54 = level 84
55 = level 85
56 = level 86
57 = level 87
58 = level 88
59 = level 89
5A = level 90

5B = level 91
5C = level 92
5D = level 93
5E = level 94
5F = level 95
60 = level 96
61 = level 97
62 = level 98
63 = level 99
64 = level 100

EXP Modifier

Choose from any of the codes to get more EXP.


Press R after you defeat the Pokemon but before you get the EXP. If you fail to press the R, then you’ll just get the regular amount of EXP.

100x EXP

A4000130 FEFF0000
1206FADA 00000068
1206FB2E 0000E03C
0206FB30 07808960
1206FB44 00000F85
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
1206FADA 0000006C
1206FB2E 00002064
0206FB30 E03A4345
1206FB44 00008965
D2000000 00000000

200x EXP

A4000130 FEFF0000
1206FADA 00000068
1206FB2E 0000E03C
0206FB30 07808960
1206FB44 00000F85
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
1206FADA 0000006C
1206FB2E 000020C8
0206FB30 E03A4345
1206FB44 00008965
D2000000 00000000

Item Modifier Cheats

The following Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver cheats all involve altering the items that you can have on your Bag. Just follow the instructions and you’re good to go.

Poke Balls (Master Ball included)
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (8)

Use the code to unlock all the Poke Balls in your Bag. Press L and R to make the cheat work.

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 00000384
C0000000 00000017
D7000000 00000D16
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 0000000F
D7000000 00000D14
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 000001EC
C0000000 00000007
D7000000 00000D54
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
Healing Items (Rare Candy included)

Use the code to unlock all the Healing Items in your Bag. Press L and R to make the cheat work.

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 03840011
C0000000 00000025
D6000000 00000B74
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Battle Items
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (10)

Use the code to unlock all the Battle Items in your Bag. Press L and R to make the cheat work.

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 03840037
C0000000 0000000E
D6000000 00000D74
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (11)

Use the code to unlock all the Berries in your Bag. Press L and R to make the cheat work.

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 03840095
C0000000 0000003F
D6000000 00000C14
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (12)

Use the code to unlock all the TM/HM in your Bag. Press Select and Up to make the cheat work.

94000130 FFBB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
D5000000 005A0148
C0000000 0000005B
D6000000 000009B0
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Misc Cheats

This last set of Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver cheats are all independent and can be used on their own.

Walk Through Walls
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (13)

Use the code to walk through walls and other terrains. Hold the L button to make it work. If you don’t hold the L button, you won’t be able to walk through walls.

9205DAA2 00000200
1205DAA2 00001C20
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
9205DAA2 00001C20
1205DAA2 00000200
D2000000 00000000
Unlimited Money
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (14)

Use the code to get unlimited Money but press L and R to make it work.

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000088 000F423F
D2000000 00000000
Unlock Badges
Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (15)

Press Select and Up to make the code work and unlock all the Badges.

94000130 FFBB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
2000008E 000000FF
20000093 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
No Wild Pokemon Encounter

Use the code to not have any Wild Pokemon encounters.

A4000130 FFFC0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
20025A54 00000000
D2000000 00000000
One Hit Kill

Use the code to instantly knock out the enemy Pokemon with one damaging move.

IMPORTANT: Press Select before you choose the move to make the code work.

94000130 FFFB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
10049F20 00000001
10049F24 00000001
1004A0A0 00000001
1004A0A4 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Catch the Enemy Trainer’s Pokemon

Use the code to be able to catch the enemy Trainer’s Pokemon.

NOTE: Standard catch rate and type of Poke Ball still apply.

92247612 00002801
12247612 00004280
D2000000 00000000
9224670A 00002101
1224670A 00002100
D2000000 00000000

Community Shared Cheats

Shiny Pokemon Encounter
621D1584 000000000206DEFC 470048000206DF00 02000001E2000000 0000003C6800480D 490B684088011808 9C0D884240510C24 2007406104244041 940D430C21001C28 F06EAA0D4801FEA3 46C047000206DF05 000000DC021D1584 00000000D2000000 00000000

In Closing

These are just some of the working Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver cheats that we believe are useful to you.

It doesn’t matter if you patched the ROM file with the Heart Gold or Soul Silver ROMs, the cheats will still work without problems. Just follow the instructions if there are any to make the cheat work.

Also, always remember not to use too many cheats all at once because the game bug out or crash. Remove or turn off the cheats that you are currently not using, and you’re good to go.

Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (16)

About Taichee

Taichee is the ultimate writer for Pokémon gaming enthusiasts. With extensive experience, he expertly delves into popular Pokemon game series and ROM hacks for GBC, GBA, and NDS, meticulously testing cheats and sharing general gaming strategies on Pokemoncoders.


Leave a Comment

16 thoughts on “Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver Cheats”

  1. Is there any cheats for changing natures or evs it only seems like the iv cheat from soul silver works


    • Feel free to test the nature modifier cheats from Pokemon Soul Silver and let me know how it goes to you.


  2. There is no cheats for regular items.


    • they can be found on the page for soulsilver and heartgold cheats


  3. hi, I used the TM/HM cheat, but it deleted all my HMs. Any solutions?


    • use this code:

      94000130 FFBB0000
      62111880 00000000
      B2111880 00000000
      D5000000 005A0148
      C0000000 00000063
      D6000000 000009B0
      D4000000 00000001
      D2000000 00000000


      • It didn’t work :/


  4. Is there a way to put this cheats in a nintendo ds game. I have downloaden the game on my tt menu r4 cart. But i dont know how to activate these cheats. There are no cheats at the menu that i can press on


    • u found a solution?


    • Action replay


  5. Hello. I keep pressing L and R but it won’t activate the cheat.


    • did you press them both at the same time?


  6. Are there any shiny cheats?


    • Did you find it?


    • couldn’t find the shiny cheat either


    • They use soulsilver/heartgold cheats anyways this is the shiny it works

      621D1584 00000000
      0206DEFC 47004800
      0206DF00 02000001
      E2000000 0000003C
      6800480D 490B6840
      88011808 9C0D8842
      40510C24 20074061
      04244041 940D430C
      21001C28 F06EAA0D
      4801FEA3 46C04700
      0206DF05 000000DC
      021D1584 00000000
      D2000000 00000000


Pokemon Sacred Gold And Storm Silver Cheats | PokemonCoders (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Views: 6061

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.