Server Admin Console Commands List – Steam Solo (2024)

Server Admin Console Commands List – Steam Solo (1)


This guide provides a complete list of known admin commands for managing your server or local game.Conan Exiles Admin Console Commands

How to use the Console Commands

To bring up the console you will need to press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard. If you’re unfamiliar with the key, it’s located in the top left corner of your keyboard, just above the Tab key and under the Esc key.

You then need to log in as an admin. To do this you will need to enter the following and then hit enter:

MakeMeAdmin <AdminPassword>

example: MakeMeAdmin pass123

From here you can enter commands as you please.

Admin Console Commands






Grants you admin privileges



Removes your admin privileges



Toggles god mode



Makes your character model invisible



Allows you to fly



Enables no collision mode (ie NoClip) – Similar to fly but you are able to pass through solid objects (including the world)



Return to walking mode from Fly or Ghost mode



Toggles unlimited sprint mode – No stamina drain while sprinting (Note: This is not unlimited stamina)



Sends a message to all online players via a pop-up box which needs to be clicked on to close (can annoy players as it interrupts gameplay, especially when in combat).


ItemID Quantity

Gives you an item. I have compiled an item ID list here. (Though for most people you’ll be better off using the admin panel GUI where you can sort and search items by their names and categories instead of numbered ID’s.)



Deals damage to the object or NPC in your crosshairs.



CAUTION: Use this command with care. Will permanently remove entire player built structures that you aim at with your camera in one go. Can also temporarily remove parts of the map if you aim at the world, leaving gaping holes players can fall through – Server requires restart to restore the world map.
If you would rather use a safer method to remove NPC’s and structures I recommend the Shift+Delete key shortcut which removes individual building parts one at a time and you won’t ever be able to accidentally delete world chunks.



Teleport to the surface you are currently looking at



Teleport yourself to the specified coordinates (You can ask a player to get their coordinates by having them use the key shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L)



Teleport yourself to the specified player.


Steam or Character name

Teleport a player to your location



Spectate a player of your choosing



Exit spectate mode



Reveals a specific players Steam name & in-game character name (You can enter a players character name to get their Steam name iLLER. or you can enter their Steam name to get their character name) – You’ll need to double tap ~ to view the output



Toggles the debug HUD which shows your coordinates, ping and server FPS.



Lists server FPS, player count, number of spawned actors, number of player bases (incl. detached foundations), total number of building parts (foundations,walls,floors,roofs, etc – possibly includes all placeables like chests, crafting stations, etc?), and server LOD count in the console. (Press ~ a second time to view the output)



Displays a list of all available server settings you can modify. (Press ~ a second time to view the output)


“Setting” [Value]

Allows you to modify the server settings contained in ServerSettings.ini from within the game. Note: The server setting property value must be enclosed within quotations otherwise it won’t work.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Combination



Brings up the Admin Panel GUI.


Opens a dialog box with the players current x,y,z world coordinates. (This is a client command and usable by any player.) Useful for using in combination with the TeleportPlayer [x y z] command.


Removes an NPC entity or player placed object that you aim at with your camera (won’t destroy entire structures, just individual building pieces).


Similar to Shift+Delete above but has a larger area of effect, deleting multiple objects at once. Destruction pattern seems to be random and inconsistent.

Tips & Tricks

ㅤ›› How to teleport to players without their cooperation


          Method no longer required with the recent addition of the TeleportToPlayer [PlayerName] command.
        Want to teleport to a player without going through the tedious task of asking them for their coordinates and then having to type out those long numbers manually?
        Well finally there’s an easier way!
        Here’s how:
    1. Firstly you will need to spectate the player using

      ViewPlayer <PlayerName>

    2. Next you will take advantage of the teleport command to teleport your character to the surface that your camera is aiming at by simply typing


    3. Lastly you will need to exit spectate mode and return the camera to your own character by using


          And you’re done! It really was that easy! 😀

    ㅤ›› How to set the Server MOTD (Message of The Day)

          Finally the devs have added the option to set a server MOTD – Yay!
          … Although don’t get your hopes up just yet.. Currently there’s no actual way of displaying the message to any players… :ㅤㅤgg devs!
          Eventually when the devs fix this issue, here’s how it will work:

          SetServerSetting “ServerMessageOfTheDay” [YourMessage]

          Quotations are required around the ServerMessageOfTheDay setting otherwise it won’t work.

          And that’s it!ㅤSimple!

    Server Admin Console Commands List – Steam Solo (2024)


    What are the admin commands? ›

    An admin command is a keyword or phrase that a user with certain level of control can type into the chat window to trigger an action.

    How do you use the admin menu in Ark PC? ›

    Open the console (Default key TAB) Enter the command ShowMyAdminManager and press ENTER. Now you have the admin menu in front of you and can see and execute all available commands on the right side.

    How do I use admin cheats on my ark server? ›

    The default key-binding is TAB, but you can change it to anything else. On some platforms, it might be the Tilde key. If you are using the admin list, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you need to use the command to enable cheats to use cheat commands: enablecheats MyPassword .

    What is cmd as admin? ›

    Running command prompt as an administrator is necessary to perform certain administrative tasks that require elevated privileges. It ensures that you have the necessary permissions to execute commands that can modify system settings, access protected files, or make changes that affect other users on the computer.

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    Becoming an Admin

    Launch ARK: Survival Evolved and join your server. Once in, press the [Tab] key to open the server console. Replace “[Admin Password]” with your selected password, then press [Enter] . You can ensure this works by using the cheat fly and cheat walk commands.

    How to open cheat menu ark? ›

    To use cheats in Ark: Survival Evolved, you need to open the game's console screen and input commands. You will open the console screen by pressing Tab (mouse and keyboard controls), LB, RB, X, and Y together (on Xbox), or L1, R1, Square, and Triangle together (on PlayStation).

    What is the admin code for God mode in Ark? ›

    GMBuff: activate God mode; you get infinite stats, become invisible and infinite experience points. ShowMyAdminManager: Activate the administrator console. LeaveMeAlone: God mode, but without getting experience.

    How do I run as administrator? ›

    Locate the application that you want to start. Press and hold down the Shift key, and then right-click the executable file or the shortcut for the application, and then select Run as different user. In the Windows Security window, type the administrator account's user name and password, and then select OK.

    How do you open the command line in Steam? ›

    Open a command window by pressing "Win + R" and enter the command: steam://open/console — then press Enter.

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    Top questions about Admin

    You can access your Admin console at . Enter your email address and password to sign in, and the console appears.

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    In the game's folder, locate the executable (.exe) file for the game--this is a faded icon with the game's title. Right-click on this file, select Properties, and then click the Compatibility tab at the top of the Properties window. Check the Run this program as an administrator box in the Privilege Level section.

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    Name: Velia Krajcik

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    Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.