Understanding Degree Theory (2024)

Understanding Degree Theory (1)

Nikola Stojanovic was a prominent figure in the astrology community as he is invented degree theory. Nikola Stojanovic's work and insights have influenced many astrologers and enthusiasts, contributing to the growth and understanding of astrology both within the astrology community and beyond. Unfortunately he passed away 2020.

What is Degree Theory?

Degree theory in astrology refers to the interpretation of planetary placements and aspects based on the specific degrees of the zodiac signs they occupy. Each zodiac sign consists of 30 degrees, ranging from 0° to 29°. Degree theory posits that the precise degree of a planet within a sign can provide additional insights into its expression and influence.

Weanalyse the degrees of planets to determine their strength, dignity, and potential effects on an individual's life. Certain degrees, known as critical degrees, are considered particularly significant and may indicate heightened sensitivity or intensity in the corresponding areas of life. Additionally, planets positioned at certain degrees within a sign may form significant aspects with other planets or sensitive points in the birth chart, influencing the overall astrological interpretation.

Degree theory also extends to other factors in astrology, such as the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and IC), which are sensitive points in the chart associated with specific degrees of the zodiac. The precise degrees of these angles can influence the individual's personality, career, relationships, and overall life direction.

critical degrees:

  • Cardinal signs(Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn):0, 13, and 26 degrees
  • Fixed signs(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees
  • Mutable signs(Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4 and 17 degrees

Click here to learn more about critical degrees

What Degree is Associated to what sign?

Degrees in astrology follow the sequence of the Zodiac, commencing with the first degree linked to Aries and its ruling planet, Mars. the 0 degree is not associated with a sign. This pattern continues through the initial12 degrees until reaching the13th degree. At this point, the concept of critical or Anaretic degrees becomes relevant. Notably, critical degrees are characterised by Aries (Cardinal energy), Leo (Fixed energy), Sagittarius (Mutable), Capricorn (Cardinal Energy), and Taurus (Fixed Energy).

Below, you'll find a list of each degree along with a simplified interpretation of its significance.

0° - Is the beginning of a new cycle. I associate this energy with the word naive. Those basic descriptions of Astrology is what would relate to when describing thus degree.

1° ,

13°, 25°- Aries ruled by Mars: Strong, Hard working, anger, fire, soldier, to build, abuse, compete in sports, blood, produce, war, violence, car engines, weapon, speed, gun, knife, head, red colour.

2°,14°26°- Taurus ruled by Venus:grow, possessions, biology, greasy foods, kitchens, eat, vegetation, farmer, earth, village, bank, money, economy, throat, neck, wealth.

3°, 15°, 27° -Gemini ruled by Mercury:to write, communicate, paper, newspaper, phone, internet, post office, road, educate, to learn, cars, locally commute, bus stop, mechanics, arms, ears, siblings, neighbourhood.

4°,16°, 28° -Cancer ruled by Moon:The public, mother, women, home, nations, crowd, water, lake, river, pool, tear, milk, water, opinions.

5°, 17°, 29°-Leo ruled by Sun: strong, acting, ego, leader, performance, slope, sun, ego, mistress, partner, love, affairs, career, quality, courses, educations, holidays, royal, director, hair, children, fun.

6°, 18° -Virgo ruled by Mercury:illness, employees, job, routine, small pets.

7°, 19°-Libra ruled by Venus:luxury items, marriage, sweets, indecisiveness, colours, beauty, justice, court, trial, lawyer, politician, spouse, wedding, engagement ring,

8° , 20°Scorpio ruled by Pluto: taxes, sex, death, rebirth, loans, skull, cemetery, kill, someone else's money, surgery operations,

9° 21° -Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter: religion, spirituality, teacher, mentor, travel, foreign, boarders, holy building, produce, publish, big body, long limbs, motorways,

10° 22° -Capricorn ruled by Saturn: Mature, old, history, the past, delay, depressions, cold, suffer,

11° 23° -Aquarius ruled by Uranus: divorce, astrologer, open relationships, aviation, electricity, explosives, heights. internets, social media, networking, friends, communities.

12°, 24° -Pisces ruled by Neptune: spirituality, isolation, hospital, phobias, fear, missing, lost, secrecy, disappearance,confusion, water, illusions, deluded, icon, medications, pharmacy,

Understanding Degree Theory (2)

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Understanding Degree Theory (2024)


How to check degree in horoscope? ›

Find the degree markings located near the zodiac sign ring.

Not all charts will show degree markings. If this happens, remember that degrees grow from 0 to 29 counterclockwise and make your best estimate. Some charts might indicate minutes along with degrees if a planet is between degrees.

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The degree theory looks at a zodiac wheel as consisting of 360 degrees. Since there are 12 zodiac signs, we then divide 360 by 12, making the maximum number of degrees by sign or planet 30. These degrees come in handy when trying to determine one's persona and understand their birth chart.

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Often, early degrees (those from 0-10) can signify impulsive or raw energy within that sign. Mid degrees (those from 11-20) can highlight more stable and thoughtful periods where things are solid rather than in flux within that sign.

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It is a simple method for prediction through which, even a person with a basic knowledge of astrology can give predictions based on the birth chart. The method utilizes the degrees of the planets in the birth chart . The planets in the highest degree and lowest degree are taken into account.

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Fame degrees, in the simplest terms, are degrees within the chart that determine whether or not an individual has a higher possibility of having a career as a public figure or being well-known in some way. 5°, 17° and 29 are the most well-known variants of these.

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Degrees and Houses: Secrets of Financial Luck

29 degrees Cancer, the famous “millionaire degree”, and 29 degrees Taurus, the corresponding “bankrupt degree”, are particularly astrologically significant. Similarly, degrees in Scorpio can indicate potential financial loss or significant gains.

What does 28 degrees mean in astrology? ›

In astrology, the 28th degree of a sign is known as the anaretic degree. It holds a significant meaning and is often associated with: 1) A sense of urgency, completion, or crisis. 2) Karmic crossroads. 3) Heightened sensitivity and vulnerability.

Where can I get a degree in astrology? ›

Kepler College is one of the longest-established schools of Astrology in the United States, founded in 1992 and named in honor of the 16th-century Astrologer, Astronomer, and Mathematician Johannes Kepler. Kepler College draws students worldwide seeking the best in quality Astrological education.

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In the whole sign house system, sometimes referred to as the 'Sign-House system', the houses are 30° each. The ascendant designates the rising sign, and the first house begins at zero degrees of the zodiac sign in which the ascendant falls, regardless of how early or late in that sign the ascendant is.

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3: (Communication) This degree is associated with communication and talking to people. Any planets in the 3rd degree tend to be fields that you talk about a lot. Having no planets in this degree means that you don't have a very active social life. This degree is typically neutral and is ruled by the sign Gemini.

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In astrology, the 28th degree of a sign is known as the anaretic degree. It holds a significant meaning and is often associated with: 1) A sense of urgency, completion, or crisis. 2) Karmic crossroads. 3) Heightened sensitivity and vulnerability.

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